Please use this page responsibly, remember to provide credit to the various sources that own these resources.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

Free Ransomware Decrypter

Internet Archive


IP Location

Nord IP Lookup

Site24x7 Subnet Calculator

PC Part Picker



Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Microsoft Defender Application Guard

Manage Windows Defender Credential Guard

Windows Defender Exploit Guard

BitLocker Device Encryption

Windows Defender Credential Guard

Windows Hello for Business

Windows Defender ATP


Avigilon DropBox

ACC Supported Cameras/Encoders

ACC System Requirements

ACC Integrations

Avigilon Cloud Services (ACS)

Avigilon Remote Support

Avigilon Offline Activation

System Design Tool

OS Recovery

Avigilon – High-Definition Stream Management (HDSM)

How to Improve Network Speed with a LAN Switch

Mesh WiFi Tests (Linksys Velop)